You have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, better known as COVID-19. You need to be in self-isolation at this time. Self-isolation means staying in one room if you live with others and wearing a mask if you need to go into other parts of the house. It also means that you are not allowed to leave the house or go in public until you become noncontagious.
Most people with mild to moderate cases can return to work and school ten days after symptoms start, as long as they have not had a fever in the past 24 hours, and symptoms are improving. For those asymptomatic and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, returning to work is possible ten days after a positive test as long as no symptoms have developed.
For your family members or household contacts (people you live with), they should quarantine for 14 days after your symptoms started. The reason behind this is that symptoms can start up to 14 days after exposure. A negative test is not enough for them to return to work or school since they might be in the period after exposure, but before the tests become positive.
COVID-19 does not have any real treatment for mild to moderate disease (people who do not need to be hospitalized.) For anyone who tests positive, we recommend a cocktail of vitamins that have evidence in other viral illnesses: Vitamins C 500mg twice a day, Vitamin D3 1000-2000units a day, zinc 25-50mg twice a day, and melatonin 3-6mg in the evening. Women on oral contraceptives may be asked to stop that medication, and many people are encouraged to take 81-325mg of aspirin. This is due to the inflammation caused by COVID-19 that can make blood more likely to clot. COVID-19 is much more than a respiratory disease and can cause symptoms in many different body systems. Many symptomatic medications are used. There is no antibiotic or antiviral effective against mild to moderate illness at this time.
Unlike the flu or the common cold, many people have worsening symptoms until day 8-9 of the disease. This means it is essential to follow up with your primary care physician to monitor your symptoms. Different medications may need to be prescribed depending on the course of the disease.
Any significant chest pain, shortness of breath, signs of a stroke or dehydration should cause patients to get immediate follow-up or go to the emergency department.
Ending isolation and returning to work or school:
We recommend that before ending isolation, people positive for SARS-CoV-2 follow up at our clinic or with PCP. This allows a medical professional to determine if you meet all the CDC criteria to end isolation. Our current policy is to note the date that a patient was positive for SARS-CoV-2 and the date the symptoms started on any work/school excuse. Another medical evaluation other than the testing is required to receive a return to work note. At this time, the CDC does NOT recommend retesting to return to work. We will do no follow-up testing for 90 days after initial positive. This is due to the fact that PCR tests can remain positive for up to three months, even though people are no longer contagious.
Texas A&M Students and Employees:
If you are an employee, you must stay home, immediately notify your supervisor, and complete the Coved-19 Report Form (by selecting “Self” when asked who is making this report) if:
- You have been diagnosed with or received a positive test result for COVID-19;
- You are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms (as listed on the CDC website); or
- You believe that you have been in close contact (defined as being within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes regardless of wearing a face covering) with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19, or someone in your household has been diagnosed with or received a positive test result for COVID-19.
If you are a student, you must stay home and immediately complete the COVID-19 Report Form ( (by selecting “Self” when asked who is making this report) if:
- You have been diagnosed with or received a positive test result for COVID-19;
- You are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms (as listed on the CDC website); or
- You believe that you have been in close contact (defined as being within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes regardless of wearing a face covering) with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19, or someone in your household (including a roommate or housemate) has been diagnosed with or received a positive test result for COVID-19.
Student Employee:
If you are a student employee who works on campus, you must follow the steps above and also immediately notify your work supervisor. Students or employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact to someone with COVID-19 will be contacted by a member of the Operations Center to conduct an interview, provide specific guidance, answer questions about COVID-19, and initiate contact tracing. Students who suspect that they may have COVID-19 are also encouraged to contact Student Health Services or their preferred health care provider for health advice.
Blinn Students and Employees:
Please follow the instructions through the Clear App as directed by Blinn College.
Any significant chest pain, shortness of breath, signs of a stroke or dehydration should cause patients to get immediate follow-up or go to the emergency department.